Thursday, March 8, 2012

Shuffle the Deck Workout

Looking for an easy way to spice up your workout?  Doing a new routine not only revs up your muscles, it is also good for your brain to try something new. Not to mention, it breaks up the monotony of your fitness plan, can enhance your enjoyment of the workout, and give you a motivational lift. This simple workout involves body weight only, meaning you can do it anywhere! Since you'll be moving at a quick pace, this is a full body strength training workout with built in cardio! It's good for rainy days, days you don't feel like going to the gym, and for when you're traveling.

Shuffle the Deck Workout

Equipment required:  A full deck of playing cards, yoga mat (optional)

Instructions:  Begin with a 3-5 minute warm-up. Shuffle a full deck of playing cards really well. Place them face-side down in a stack. Flip over the first card and do the corresponding number of exercises for that suit. (Eg. a 3 of hearts = do 3 squats). After completing the required number of repetitions for that suit card, flip the next card and proceed with that exercise. Continue to move through each card in the deck, with minimal rest in between exercises.  Rest for 60 seconds after any Ace card. After completing all 52 cards, be sure to stretch each body part and cool down.

Follow the exercise guide below.  The number on the card corresponds to the number of repetitions to do for that exercise. For the diamond exercise (plank pose), hold plank for the corresponding number of counts (eg. 7 of diamonds = hold Plank while counting to 7).  Jacks, Queens, and Kings all count as 10 repetitions.  Aces are cardio cards and you should perform one minute of any cardio activity when you reach an Ace.

Spades = Push ups (feel free to do modified version if you cannot to a full pushup)
Hearts = Squats
Diamonds = Plank Pose (hold for the number on the card = eg. 4 of diamonds = hold plank for 4 counts)
Clubs =Glute Bridges

Jacks, Queens, Kings = 10 repetitions

Aces (of any suit) = perform 1 minute of a cardio activity (jumping jacks, jump rope, mountain climbers, jog in place). Remember to rest 60 seconds after any Ace.

Enjoy!  And feel free to post comments here after you've done the workout! Was it easy? Hard?

Disclaimer: Do not begin any workout program without clearance from a medical professional. If you feel pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath at any point during a workout, stop immediately and seek medical attention. The above workout is intended for individuals with no medical issues who are cleared for a fitness program by their doctor. The author assumes no liability for individuals who partake in this optional workout. 

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